Thank you, to my EX

Dear ex,

If it wasn’t for you, I would still be the person I was before you. I would still have the faintest clue of what I deserve and how I should be treated. You taught me a lot of lessons throughout our relationship and I am honestly thankful for that. You showed me what an unhealthy relationship was like. I became a monster when I was with you because there was no trust between us. I couldn’t trust a single word that came out of your mouth but somehow I trained myself to thinking it was all okay and moved on. I pushed my friends and family away for you and didn’t think twice about it because you had me brainwashed. I will never forgive myself for letting someone walk all over me and being so naive, but I will always thank you for showing me so much.  I grew so much from the beginning to the end of our relationship, and I am honestly so so grateful for that. You broke me, you shattered my heart, but I still loved you. You lied to me, cheated on me, but I still loved you.

Then reality hit. What was I doing? Why was I living like this at such a young age? For what reason?

It stopped.

Before I went to college I made the decision to think long and hard about why I was in that relationship, and I knew college was going to be hell if I didn’t make some changes. And that’s where it ended and I became who I am today.

So thank you.

Thank you for showing me that I deserve so much more. Thank you for showing me all the signs of an unhealthy relationship. Thank you for breaking my heart, because it healed much stronger than before. I am the girlfriend today because of you.

Thank you,

Jordynne xx 💕